Smata Account

This is an account specially tailor made for 0-18 year olds. Between 0-11 years, the account is operated by the parent/guardian on behalf of the minor.  For youth between 12-18 years, the savers can operate the account with minimal supervision and own an ATM card in their name.
  • Affordable account opening balance
  • Helps the students to keep abreast with saving information
  • Encourages the youths to embrace financial budgeting and control of unnecessary expenditure.
Requirements for Trusted Adult (Parent or Guardian)
  • Identification Document (National ID/ Passport, Aliens ID, Military ID or SPLA ID)
  • Passport size photo
  • Completed and signed application form
  • Opening amount
Requirements for Account Holder
  • Passport size photo
  • Birth certificate/ Birth Notification card/ Immunization Card/ Baptism Card/ school ID/school leaving certificate/ letter from local administration.
  • Completed and signed application form